Donate Now - How to give
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 If you would like to make a donation, the details of the bank account are as follows:

Bank : HSBC Bank plc, Golden Square, Petworth, West Sussex, GU28 OAR
Sort code : 40-36-18
A/C no. : 51228781
A/C name : Rebuilding Sri Lanka
IBAN No : GB91MIDL40361851228781

“Bank deposits cannot always be traced to the individuals who made them. for written acknowledgement of donations please contact:
Clare at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Head Office Address:
Rebuilding Sri Lanka
Head Office
The Light House
Oak Drive
Salisbury SP5 3AJ

Alternatively you can donate using our Just Giving Website:

As a charity, Rebuilding Sri Lanka can reclaim income tax on any donation you make to us. This gives significant additional benefit from your payment.
In order for us to reclaim tax, please would you be kind enough to complete the form below and return it to us.

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> Download giftaid Form <
To date, we have raised more than GBP 1,115,000. Many thanks to those people who have already made donations.
However, we would still like to raise significantly more than this in order to achieve all of our aims.
Those of you who wish to see a copy of RSL annual report please click here. Thank you for your interest.